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How Would A Woman Define The Perfect Gentleman?

Some gestures in you will contribute lots to define the perfect gentleman to yourself. The word “Gentleman” itself is a classic compliment to the men who approach the women in a neat and smart manner and who is well known about the way he should appear or get presented in every occasion regarding the work he does and not just only in the festive.

The perspective of women towards men are different regarding their nature and needs but there are some gestures that every woman finds attractive and impressive.

How Would A Woman Define The Perfect Gentleman?

Gentleman, today I have listed some gestures that help you to present yourself as a gentleman in front of every woman or those gestures every woman looks at.

#1 Well Presented

Well-Dressed Man

A gentleman should be well known about how he presents himself that conveys his character and that makes him look smart, neat and comfortable.

A proper get up doesn’t only imply the fashionable clothes but it manifests the neat and ironed clothes that fit reasonably well in accordance to the occasions. A proper look will define you as the perfect gentleman.

#2 Well Mannered

Well-Mannered Man

Well manners are a key point to define the perfect gentleman. Along with a good look, a man to be complimented as a gentleman, he should be well mannered.

Good manners involve the simple gestures towards the women that project his genuineness like opening doors, approaching the seats with a smile, offering the help if she is carrying the heavy load and so on.

#3 Politeness

Politeness is one of the most important characters a gentleman should hold. He should speak in very polite language keeping the harsh words aside. A gentleman should use decent words that make any woman comfortable to have a conversation with him. Gentleman, always remember that talking harshly and roughly doesn’t make you the alpha male.

#4 Good Sense Of Humor

Good Sense Of Humor

A gentleman should show a nice sense of humor. He should be able to handle every bad situation calmly and with a good accent. The perfect gentleman can make his woman happy even with his talks and jokes.

You must not be a good comedian to be humorous. Just be open minded, feel free and speak your mind. Everyone is humorous on some extent.

#5 Attentive

Couple looking at phone

A gentleman should be attentive while having the conversation. He should maintain eye contact and listen to every word carefully so that a woman doesn’t need to repeat the lines.

#6 Respectful

Respecting a woman is a must not only for the gentleman but for everyone. Showing respect towards the woman includes complimenting her works, supporting her in her decisions, making her aware instead of humiliating in case of some mistakes and many more.

#7 Generous

Every woman wants the generous man in her life. A gentleman should be very generous and caring towards the women.

#8 Trustworthy

Couple holding hands together

Trust is the must in every relation and hence the most important in a man-woman relationship as well. There must always be a mutual understanding among two partners so that they can share all those thoughts residing on their mind without any hesitations.


These all are the must have gestures in the perfect gentleman.

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